Tips on Choosing the Perfect Skylight 

Renovations do not need to be expensive or difficult, if you plan well and consider the right options.

All it takes is a little imagination. With VELUX you can invite natural daylight into your home and create a feeling of space lacking in many houses. You can open up your kitchen or create privacy in your bathroom, the possibilities are endless. 

Wherever you are in Australia, whether it be Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Brisbane or anywhere in between, VELUX has the perfect skylight for all your needs, after all VELUX Skylights are Made for Australia. Below you'll find some useful tips to help you choose the correct VELUX product for your home.


Plan a budget

Without a budget, any renovation can become disastrously expensive. That’s why planning a budget is one of the most critical aspects of any project. Before you begin, look at everything that needs to be done and how much each step will cost. Your budget will show you exactly what’s possible with the money you have available. 

Find a builder 

A good builder will take on the bulkiest and most difficult aspects of your project. They have all the needed know-how, so it’s worth finding the right one. It’s a good idea to get a few quotes and references first so you can compare prices and quality before you make that important choice. 

Architect’s plan 

If you’re tackling major renovations in your home, then it might be worth hiring an architect. Their specialised skills and training will ensure your ideas can be brought to life. However, if your project isn't too complicated and you have a skilled and trusted builder, then doing without an architect will save you money.

Planning permission 

Most smaller home improvements projects don’t require any planning permission, but it can be costly if you don’t check with your local authority first. If in doubt, check with the relevant authority before work commences.

Building regulations 

Building regulations are to ensure that your renovations are safe and legal. Contact your local authority to find out if you need any special permits before you begin. 

Structural survey 

If your project includes any major structural work such as knocking a wall down or building an extension, then it's worth getting a structural survey completed. Not all cases require a survey, so speak to your builder first to get their advice.

Set a timeframe 

Your project should have a beginning and end. Agreeing to an end date with your builder helps manage your expectations, their workload – and more importantly, your budget. Although most VELUX skylights can be installed in a day, setting a schedule helps you to keep on top of delivery dates and when people will need access to your home.

Thinking of adding Skylights to your home? 

The two most important things to consider are the size of the room and the room’s function. For example, living spaces used for everyday activities such as reading benefit from extra daylight. Other rooms, such as hallways, benefit from skylights, but do not require the same size or number as you won't be performing light sensitive tasks.

Our general rule of thumb says that window space should make up a minimum of 10% of your room’s total floor area. This can be achieved by increasing the size of your skylights or by installing additional skylights. Adding multiple skylights also adds to a room by becoming a central feature.

Building regulations can also affect the size and number of skylights, so be sure to check with your local authority before commencing your renovation.

man laying down on bed
roof windows with blinds almost fully closed with a little bit of daylight peaking through

In what room or area is the product to be used? 

This will determine what product would be the most suitable one. If you are installing a Skylight in a kitchen for example, you will need to consider the heat and steam generated from cooking. 

Openable skylights and roof windows act as natural extractors of hot air, thereby helping to maintain a comfortable temperature and let fresh air in. Perfect for living areas, especially kitchens.

Or, in a Bedroom, use honeycomb blinds to block the light for that Sunday morning sleep in.

3 electric skylights in kitchen with lady cooking

If you choose an opening skylight, how are you going to open it? 

There are two options here, manual or electric. The electrically operated Skylight comes with pre-installed rain sensors that automatically close the window when rain is detected, giving peace of mind in case you forget to close the Skylights.

Manual opening skylights provides an economical way to ventilate, but require the use of additional rod controls for operation. See more details on our manual skylight page.

Always keep in mind the direction your VELUX Skylight will face

A west facing skylight will get strong afternoon sun, while an east facing skylight will receive more than in the morning. Similarly, a north face will provide a lot of light throughout the day at a fairly constant rate while a south facing skylight will provide weaker, but cooler, daylight.

Depending on your skylight’s position, you might want to consider using a VELUX blind to control the level of light and heat in your home, while adding a contemporary look. Blinds are available in pleated and honeycomb options. 



attic converted to a bedroom with roof windows bringing daylight in
couch and the shadows of 3 skylights

Create Light to Live

Natural Light is fundamentally important to the quality of our lives and living environments. Light creates a positive atmosphere and changes the way we feel about our living spaces. Its many moods and variations can help make your house feel like a home.

Create Space to Breathe 

In most modern cities, space comes at a premium. Some families need more space grow as children grow, while others need a better layout to improve the look and feel of their home. Using VELUX Skylights can increase usable space by providing natural light and ventilation to dark corners or poorly lit rooms while creating inviting and comfortable spaces.

Create Privacy to Indulge

In today’s homes, privacy is sometimes hard to find without closing the doors and shutting the blinds on your windows. Installing a VELUX Skylight will allow you to have privacy while still having natural light - all while providing views of the sky and adding natural ventilation to your home.

the stack effect diagram

Importance of Ventilation 

Healthy rooms require regular airing to remove moisture, odours and dust mites. The installation of VELUX openable skylights provide the natural ventilation necessary to keep your home healthy. Skylights use the natural upwards movement of hot air to extract moisture and heat, making a home healthier, greener and more feeling comfortable.

The Stack effect 

The “stack effect” is the process of hot air moving upwards. Hot air rises because it’s lighter than cold air, being up high, skylights are thus in the optimum position to utilise the stack effect. VELUX skylights use the stack effect to push hot air out which in turn pulls cooler air into home through vertical windows and doors - replacing hot, moist air with cool, fresh air.

Create a healthy home

The air we breathe indoors is a cocktail containing moisture, microbes, chemicals and allergens, which affect human health and comfort. Many homes feel stuffy due to the lack of ventilation. 

The primary purpose of ventilation is to remove unwanted airborne substances from the home, particularly moisture. It also serves to supply fresh air and oxygen while removing carbon dioxide from human respiration. VELUX openable skylights will help you achieve the right and air quality to help create a healthy home. Just open the skylight and you will feel the instant freshness! 

Remove condensation 

The moisture put into the air from a typical family is similar to emptying a large bucket of water on the floor every day. Kitchens and bathrooms are areas where the build up of condensation is especially high due to the steam produced from showering and cooking. Opening skylights act as extractors of hot air and minimize condensation and mould growth.